Spare-parts management

Anyone who repairs as much as we do will eventually know what breaks regularly and what should be routinely replaced. We keep such parts in stock and can also maintain a stock for you, if necessary.

Ex-stock beats ex-factory

When things go wrong, we do everything we can to ensure that things get back on track quickly. We even maintain a stock of spare parts at our own expense so that we can help you out immediately. What we keep in our warehouse is in line with market needs. After all, we see how the demand for certain aggregates is developing and prepare ourselves for the corresponding maintenance and repair tasks accordingly. As a result, we can very often just pull off the shelf what is needed to carry out a routine repair on site.

Your warehouse, our hall

Of course, we can only store at our own expense the spare parts that various customers need regularly. But if you need spare parts that are not so common, we’re still happy to help you. You can order the parts and store them with us – and this won’t cost you anything extra. Our technician will then bring the spare part with them when it is needed. This is especially advantageous for you if you use similar units at several locations and don’t want to store the spare parts for them at all the sites (because then no doubt the part you urgently need will be in precisely the wrong place, and our on-call employee won’t be able to get hold of it).

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Do you want a partner who has your spare parts under control?

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Our services

«Fast and uncomplicated service.»
R. Oetliker, B. Braun Medical AG
«Everything perfect ... keep doing it like this.»
Rosenmund Haustechnik AG
«Professional, competent and efficient.»
J-Marc Brodbeck, ISS Facility Service