Safety valves and flame arresters

Most of the time nothing happens. And if something does happen, you’ll notice it before things get really dicey. And if all else fails, you can rely on your safety valves and flame arresters.

Better safe than sorry

We inspect, clean and maintain your safety valves and flame arresters, so that you can be confident that the final, decisive protective measure will do what it’s meant to. You can bring us aggregates of all the major manufacturers, and in three to five days we’ll return them to you together with a test report or fresh seal. This is the rule. Sometimes it takes longer, but this is very rare, and sometimes we can complete the work even more quickly.

uring the night, at weekends – immediately?

Some customers periodically shut down their plants and then have all their safety components checked in one go. If so, then we work through the night or at the weekend if necessary. And what if a valve stops working, meaning that the plant has come to a standstill and you need help immediately? Then we’ll move heaven and earth to get you up and running again in the shortest time possible.

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Do you want a professional for safety valves and flame arresters at your side?

Contact now!

Our services

«Everything perfect ... keep doing it like this.»
Rosenmund Haustechnik AG
«Professional, competent and efficient.»
J-Marc Brodbeck, ISS Facility Service
«Fast and uncomplicated service.»
R. Oetliker, B. Braun Medical AG